Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is the most sought after technique for those searching for relaxation and stress relief. The method originated in Europe, and spread quickly worldwide so that all nations could enjoy this soothing and rejuvenating body massage.

This massage as a "starter massage" because of the gentle approach including effleurage, which are long, soothing strokes using the palms of the hands.

$160.00 For the Hour
$165.00 Hour with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy Massage

The aromatherapy massage stimulates your sense of smell and your body's response to touch. The bounty of nature's scents and our therapists' artistic hands together equals a unique treatment experience.

This indulgent massage technique incorporates effleurage and long, relaxing strokes that disperse the essential oils all over you skin. The most popular scents are always in season, and available for you to enjoy:

This is $5.00 added onto any massage service you book.

Lavender- great for relaxation and stress releif

Lemon and citrus- invigorating and fresh, these oils can refresh the most tired body

Eucalyptus- the "balancing scent", to clear your mind and take you to cloud nine

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